Celebrating I.D.E.A.

Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (I.D.E.A.)

The School District of Milton is proud to join other school districts and educational institutions across America in celebrating the anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Action (I.D.E.A.).

In 1975, Gerald Ford signed Public Law 94-142. This federal law assured individuals with disabilities many rights they had not been afforded before. This law gave students with disabilities the right to attend school and have access to educational programs that they did not previously enjoy. In addition, parents and guardians are now included in developing the individual education plan.

In Milton, the building principals, in conjunction with our Director of Student Services oversee programming for students with disabilities. SDM employs over 50 staff members who assist in meeting the needs in special education and general education settings. A strong individual education plan is supported by special education, general education, parents, and administration.

In the Spring of 2016, the Milton Courier ran a series of great articles that highlighted special education programming within the School District of Milton. Those news articles are found below:

Upcoming District Events

District Calendar

Calendar of Events

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