Bully Alert

The Milton Youth Coalition (MYC) is a partnership non-profit group consisting of staff members from the School District of Milton and the City of Milton. Made up of invested and caring community leaders from both organizations, our goals and objectives are to create awareness about the problems bullying can cause, and do all we can to prevent bullying in our schools and our community. We want people to be safe in our schools and throughout our community and “Live the Milton Way.”

Because bullying is too often underreported, we work with the City of Milton by creating an online reporting system for our students and families called “Bully Alert.” The link below takes you to a City of Milton website that allows you to report bullying to the police department. A police officer will then check the e-mail, and within 72 hours of getting the e-mail, either a school official and/or a police officer will follow-up on the report. To access the bully alert system, click on the link below.

Mental Health Support

In an effort to help students who may be in crisis, we are sharing information about mental health support that is available to them through Rock County’s Department of Health and Family Services. You can access information to get that help by clicking on the link below.

Rock County Crisis Intervention Phone Number: 608-757-5025

“See Something, Say Something” – P3 Tips APP

In partnership with Janesville Area Crimestoppers, we are pleased to present an app that allows students to be anonymous in their sharing of information they may have about a crime, bullying, or any other safety issue. You can learn more about the P3 TIPS APP or submit a tip directly by clicking on the link below.

Upcoming District Events

District Calendar

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