Learning Supports

The School District of Milton provides several learning supports beyond the universal classroom environment that helps students reach proficiency, mastery or extension in their grade level standards. These supports are intended to be utilized prior to beginning official programming through Response to Intervention, EL, PRISM, or Special Education. Learning supports are available to all students and often specifically cater to the needs of individual students.

“What I Need” (W.I.N.) Time

The elementary and intermediate schools have a designated block of time each day called “What I Need” (W.I.N.) Time, where students receive support, extension or individual/group instruction in both reading and mathematics (alternating daily). Students will be using Dreambox as a primary tool in mathematics and Guided Reading Instruction as a primary tool in reading.

MHS Learning Center (Math Lab & Writing Lab)

Milton High School houses the MHS Learning Center next the LMC where two staff members (one for the Math Lab and one of the Writing Lab) and several peer tutors are available during every hour of the school day to provide students with support on assignments and projects. Students utilize the Math Lab to get help on math assignments, as well as classes requiring applied mathematics skills. Students utilize the Writing Lab to work through the process of outlining, drafting, revising and finalizing assigned writing assignments in English, Social Studies, and additional courses requiring writing-based projects.

MHS Support for Success

The MHS Support for Success is a program facilitated by Mrs. Sroda for freshmen to be paired up with an upperclassmen for one hour of the school day to receive assistance on transitioning to high school expectations. Work within the course consists of help with organization, time management, and prioritization, in addition to assistance on specific homework assignments and projects for required freshman courses.

MHS Testing Center

The MHS Testing Center is open every hour of the school day to provide students with the opportunity to make-up quizzes or tests after an absence.

Upcoming District Events

District Calendar

Calendar of Events

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