School District of Milton ACT 20 Reading Implementation Plan

The School District of Milton is committed to empowering all scholars with the literacy skills and resources needed for success both in school and beyond. The information below details our process for implementing 2023 ACT 20. 

ACT 20 Links

class photo kids on carpet library
Required Reading Training

2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

All K-3 teachers, principals of schools with K-3 grades, and reading specialists are required to begin training in science-based literacy instruction by July 1, 2025, from an approved provider list. 

SDM’s Implementation:

All 4K-3 teachers, 4th-6th grade ELA teachers, 4K-6 Special Education teachers, K-6 Multilingual teachers, 4K-6 School Psychologists, and several Instructional Paraprofessionals will complete Cox Campus (K-3rd Structured Literacy Program) and participate in collaborative learning in-person. This process will be completed during the 2024-2025 school year. 


Reading Interventionist/Specialist and Teaching & Learning Coaches completed Cox Campus before the start of the 2024-2025 school year. All 4K-6 Administrators, Reading Interventionists/Specialists, and Teaching & Learning Coaches, and School Psychologists will engage in 6 days of Leadership training provided by CESA 6 during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Curriculum and Instruction

2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

What type of early literacy instruction and intervention do schools need to provide?

Act 20 states that all Wisconsin schools are required to provide science-based early literacy instruction in both universal and intervention settings. Science-based early literacy instruction is defined as the following. 

Instruction that is systematic and explicit and consists of all the following:

  • Phonological awareness
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics
  • Building background knowledge
  • Oral language development
  • Vocabulary building
  • Instruction in writing
  • Instruction in comprehension
  • Reading fluency

See the Wisconsin Reads website for more information

SDM’s Implementation:

The School District of Milton meets Act 20 requirements by providing the Wonders reading curriculum, an approved science-based early literacy resource.


2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

4K Assessment: Scholars are to be assessed twice during the school year using a fundamental skills screening selected by the DPI (aimswebPLUS). The first is to be completed by the 45th school day and the second by 45 days before the end of the school year. 

5K-3rd Grade Assessment:

  • At least 3 universal screenings during the school year (exemption for 2024-2025 school year)
  • The first must be before the 45th day of the school year, the second in the middle of the school year, and the third by 45 days left in the school year.
  • Universal screenings must include phonemic awareness, decoding, alphabet knowledge, letter sound knowledge, and oral vocabulary

A diagnostic assessment must be used when a universal screening assessment indicates a pupil is at-risk (below 25% percentile). This occurs no later than the second Friday of November for the Fall assessment or within 10 days after the 2nd universal screening. Diagnostic assessments must also be given within 20 days when a teacher or parent suspects a student has characteristics of dyslexia and submits a request.

SDM’s Implementation:

The School District of Milton will implement the required Early Literacy Assessment provided by the state (aimswebPLUS).

SDM will be using the combination of aimswebPLUS and i-Ready for all K-3 scholars who indicate they are at-risk and fall below the 25th percentile on the Early Literacy assessment. (Both assessments were recommended by DPI as meeting the diagnostic requirements).

Family Notification/Communication

2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, provide parents and families with results of the reading readiness screener no later than 15 days after the assessment is scored in an understandable format that includes all of the following:

  • The pupil’s score on the reading readiness assessment.
  • The pupil’s score in each early literacy skills category is assessed by the reading readiness assessment.
  • The pupil’s percentile rank score on the reading readiness assessment, if available.
  • The definition of “at-risk” and the score on the reading readiness assessment that would indicate that a pupil is at-risk.
  • A plain language description of the literacy skills the reading readiness assessment is designed to measure.

If a child is promoted to 4th grade without completing their personal reading plan, parents must be notified in writing along with a description of the reading interventions that child will continue to receive.

SDM’s Implementation:

All families will receive their child’s results on required Early Literacy Assessment. These results will be printed reports from the assessment and a letter explaining the results and all other required information related to special education and dyslexia. 

SDM staff will communicate and collaborate with families about the need for additional diagnostic assessment and the development and progress in the personal reading plan.

Personal Reading Plan

2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

If scholars are identified as at-risk on a universal screening assessment or diagnostic assessment, a personal reading plan must be created that includes:

  • The specific early literacy skill deficiencies,
  • Goals and benchmark for the pupils progress toward grade-level literacy skills, 
  • How progress will be monitored, a description of interventions and additional instructional services being provided,
  • The science-based reading programming the teacher will use, 
  • Strategies for the parent/guardian to support grade-level literacy skills, and any additional services available and appropriate.

Local education agencies (public schools and independent charter schools) will provide a copy of the personal reading plan to parents/guardians as well as provide progress updates after 10 weeks.

SDM’s Implementation:

The School District of Milton will create a Personal Reading Plan for all qualifying scholars. This plan will be created in NextPath and include all the required information. All plans will be shared with families through NextPath. 

Promotion Policy

2023 ACT 20 Requirements:

Schools must have a policy for promotion from 3rd to 4th grade, based on a DPI model policy, by July 1, 2025. This would go into effect Sept. 1, 2027.


SDM’s Implementation:

* This policy will be updated following the release of DPI’s model policy*